PDF Files

Does your purchased PDF file not open correctly?


There are several free programs that you can use to view our PDF files, we suggest you use Adobe Reader to view your PDFs.

If you have purchased a PDF product that won't open correctly, it is possibly an issue with a font and you may need to upgrade your Adobe Reader. We suggest you completely uninstall your current version and then download and install the newest version as a new install. You can get the newest version here - Adobe Reader Download. Uninstalling any older versions and installing the newest version should allow you to open the file.

If that doesn't work you may want to try downloading a new copy of your file just to make sure you didn't get a corrupt download. If neither of these work please let us know your order number and the title of the product along with the error you are seeing (a screenshot can be very helpful) and we can look for another solution.

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