Follow Your Favorites

Want to be notified when your favorite publisher makes a new product available?


Getting Started

Our Follow Your Favorites tool can be used to send you automated emails when a publisher uploads a new title or updates a product. You choose which publishers or products to follow.

Just go to any product description page and find the Publisher section in the left column.  Directly below that is the Follow Your Favorites choices for that product.  In this case you can follow just the publisher, or the product, or both:




If you follow the publisher, you will be notified any time they make a new product available.  Following the title will notify you when the product is updated.


More Controls

To further manage your Follow Your Favorites choices, just go to your Account page, scroll down to the Notifications Section and then click on tool to Change newsletters, Deal of the Day and 'Follow Your Favorites!' settings.


From there you can change how often you receive notifications and can also remove products/publishers from your Follow Your Favorites.

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